RVAT volunteer Sam Jardine published an op-ed in The Salt Lake Tribune: “I voted for Trump in 2020. I’m asking my fellow Gen Z voters to choose differently this election.” He writes:

I was 6 when John McCain ran for president, and 10 when Mitt Romney did. I may not have been able to vote for them, but I know that the values they represented are a lot closer to mine — and a lot closer to the true meaning of conservatism — than Trump’s are.

None of this is meant to exculpate Joe Biden from blame for his missteps. […] But neither can I support Donald Trump. I recognize that, for many Republicans, this isn’t an easy call. It can be hard to switch “teams” and during peak election season, when doing so feels like a partial abandonment of these values. Doing so alone is even more difficult […]

My generation may have grown up during a time of peak political instability and democratic decline, but that doesn’t mean we’re destined to be saddled with this same dynamic forever. I look forward to being able to vote for a strong, principled, conservative candidate for president in the future. But it won’t be in 2024.

Read Sam’s piece here and watch his testimonial video here.