“I’m concerned about maternal health if Trump gets elected.”
“I am Alexandra. I live in North Carolina and I am a two-time Trump voter. I’m concerned about maternal health if Trump gets elected and well, I’m concerned about maternal health if any Republican Majority gets elected, mainly because of what they haven’t done to address this since this has started.
“If a woman experiences a miscarriage and she is developing an infection or hemorrhaging blood. Why is it illegal for a doctor to treat her unless her organs are shutting down or she’s in septic shock?
“Why does he have to wait until she’s about to die? Especially if there’s no living baby. What purpose does that serve? It has created problems like some women have lost their fertility, others have died.
“What is the point of putting the doctor in the situation where if he steps in too early, he goes to jail and if he steps in too late, she dies? Maternal mortality is up in Texas by 56%.
“You guys are supposed to be like the party of family.
“I feel like I’ve been thrown under the bus a little bit by my party, especially when, you know, I hear candidates making snide comments about the gender gap and insinuate that, okay, young women only care about abortion because they’re these like promiscuous workaholic feminists who just wanna kill their babies after they’re born.
“Like, no, this is why, this is why there’s a gender gap. All Republicans who have this going on in their state and have not addressed it, they need to lose their jobs on November 5th, vote for Kamala Harris in 2024.”