Chris  /  Washington

“He’s a power hungry individual. He’ll do anything he needs to do to be President again.”

Video Transcript

“ My name is Chris, I am a Republican, and I voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. I will not be voting for him in 2024. Currently, my inclination since Joe Biden has stepped down, I do plan to vote for the Democratic candidate, which I presume will be Kamala Harris and whoever she picks as her vice president.

“I do believe, as I believed for some time now, that Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. And I’m disappointed that the Republican party has continued to put him forward as a candidate.

“So we’re gonna potentially have somebody who’s been convicted of felonies in our White House. I think that he has shown himself, really in the way that he treats people, and the way that people have gone through his cabinet. And his cabinet was just. I mean, every day it was ‘who who resigned today and for what reason?’ These people are highly respected people, they were in military service, and they talk about how it was with Trump and the things that he would do and say, and that is not how you become a president. That’s not how you act as a president. And I think that no matter how conservative or liberal you are, I think that threat that he brings to just the way the American people need to do to try to throw out the Constitution just to become president again, and twist the rules to become president again, just goes a long way to show you what kind of person he is.

“When I think of Donald Trump in office, the word that comes to mind is chaos. It doesn’t seem like he has very much of a plan and he just kind of reacts, reacts, and reacts. I think we’ll see more of that. I think his foreign policy is, he wants to establish relationships with Putin and be seen as the guy that’s buddies with everybody. That’s not the case. Foreign policy is complex. And even with Ukraine, that’s also another thing that was very, very difficult. And what do you do? Do we step up and have a World War III with Russia? Probably not. But do we let the Ukrainian people just suffer by themselves? Probably not. So I don’t think he is positioned to be a leader in a situation like that where he can take in input from other people, and make a decision that’s potentially a compromise. Because that job is all about compromise, but you need to have a plan. You need to have principles, and one of the challenges with Trump is he doesn’t have any principles, I don’t think. He’s proven himself to be a liar, I think is the best way to say it. He doesn’t have a good relationship with the truth.

“Does character matter or not? Does the fact that Donald Trump is a philandering…he’s cheated on his wives? I think in this job, in America, character matters. And I think Donald Trump has shown the American people that he has poor character. He’s a power-hungry individual. He’ll do anything he needs to do to be a president again. I will not be supporting Donald Trump, I’m going to support the Democratic candidate for President this year.”