“The events of January 6th forced me to reexamine why I was supporting Donald Trump.”
“My name is Dave and my background is, I’m a lifelong Republican until the events of January 6th, 2020.
“I was one of the alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention in 2020 from the state of Oregon.
“So the events of January 6th forced me to reexamine why I was supporting Donald Trump. It was an eye-opener for me. And I decided at that point in time that my sense of ethics of honor and integrity, I simply could not be a Republican any longer.
“I resigned my position as local chapter PCP, even though I’d just been reelected and changed my political party to independent. And I have been working as hard as I can every single day to make sure that Donald Trump never occupies the White House again. He is the most unfit person ever to run for president by far.
“And it’s just crucial that he not be there again.
“I am just thrilled that Kamala Harris is the candidate now. Joe Biden did the right thing by stepping down. It was a completely selfless, incredible act that put country above party, and that is a motto that I live by too. I just have a ton of respect for him. But more importantly, Kamala’s track record as a prosecutor as a defender of the people, is just so impressive to me. And the energy and enthusiasm that she and Tim bring are just electric.
“So I encourage my fellow Republicans and all of those of you who like me are now independents to please, please vote for Kamala and deny Donald Trump his second term.”