“After January 6th, I could never vote for Trump again.”
“My name is Geoff, and I voted for Trump in 2020 because I was worried about the extremity and the dangers of progressive ideology. And this is an ideology who I was surrounded by as a conservative thinker in higher ed.
“But after January 6th, I could never vote for Trump again. I do not wanna leave a country to my kids and my grandkids where the peaceful transition of power doesn’t matter.
“And whatever else you think about the lead up to that day, whether you think Pelosi’s ultimately responsible for not securing the capitol, or whether you think Trump really did order those 10,000 guardsmen, the reality is that when that attack began, Trump could have at any moments decided to tell his supporters they had gone too far, that violence was not the answer.
“Instead, he did nothing except inflamed the crowd. He encouraged a direct attack on our capitol, and that makes him unfit as a president of the United States. I can’t vote for him again because I can’t leave a country to my kids and my grandkids where a president gets to try to overturn the results of a lawfully decided election. And whatever conspiracy theories you may or may not believe, the reality is that Trump’s own Justice Department said these claims were bogus. There was no foundation.
“The court system unanimously, or near-unanimously, decided that there was no basis for these claims, including many Trump judges and conservative judges. State recounts show that there was no basis for this idea of a rigged election. And when given the opportunity to provide evidence that there was this widespread massive voter fraud, nothing has occurred. We cannot leave a country to our kids and our grandkids where the lawful results of an election are overturned, and that’s why I cannot vote for Trump again.”