Kim  /  South Carolina

“Donald Trump expressing his wish to terminate the Constitution is one of the most egregious things I think you could even do.”

Video Transcript

“My name is Kim. I’m from South Carolina and I am a former Trump voter, and I have been a Republican my whole life. I think Trump was responsible for the violence on January 6th. He is absolutely 100% responsible. Donald Trump expressing his wish to terminate the Constitution is one of the most egregious things I think you could even do.

“I’m very worried about a second Trump term. I hear that he’s putting or working with people who have been convicted of felonies, people who don’t believe that there was violence on January 6th. I think he would totally upend our departments, for example, the Department of Justice. I think he would manipulate everything so it works for him and only him and not the people of the United States. And that scares me.

“Whether you’re pro-life or not pro-life, I do not believe overturning of Roe versus Wade was a positive thing for the country. I am adamantly against women not being able to control what happens to their own bodies. I think that’s between her, the woman, her God, her doctor, and her family. And I don’t believe government has a place in that. Donald Trump’s view on a national abortion ban is, I think it demonstrates his lack of understanding, and also his ego when he says things like, well, I’m thinking about a 15 week ban, maybe a 16 week just because it’s a round number. I just don’t understand that, and that’s just no. I mean, he will do whatever somebody tells him to do or whatever will get him what he needs at that moment.

“In 2024, I will definitely not be voting for Donald Trump. I will be voting for Joe Biden, and I’ll do it enthusiastically at this point.”