“He’s a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to everything that the American people hold dear.”
“My name is Livan, state of Florida. And yes, I was a former Trump voter during the 2016 election.
“I’m ex-military. I took an oath to defend the constitution against some enemies foreign, and domestic. I did not take an oath of the man in the Oval Office. I also have a daughter, you know, and I come from my family with the majority of these members are women. So the way that he talks in regards to women, the things that he’s been accused of, the 34 felony indictments, the rape charge, that he was found guilty in a civil court. It just does not sit well with me.
“And just his overall demeanor and the way that he expresses himself, there’s no talk of policy. There’s no talk of the actual issues that are important to the American people and the constant lying.
“I mean, the list can go on and on, but it’s along those lines the reason why I can no longer support him. To the point where I remove myself, and like I said, I’m a conservative. I remove myself from the Republican party because I cannot no longer be associated with those people when they think that that’s okay, that that’s okay to talk back down on women. Just recently he referred to Kamala Harris, as you know, “low IQ.”
“I mean that in and of itself is sufficient to take a look back and say, “What are we doing here?” You know, he’s a threat to national security. He’s a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to everything that the American people hold dear.
“And this is coming from someone, I was born in a communist country. I was born in Havana, Cuba, so I know from experience what authoritarian regimes look like. So to have someone that sits along the lines of that same policy. I just can’t support that.
“I will definitely be supporting Kamala Harris. Here’s a woman, you know, I’m gonna tell the story. I met her personally, I sat in the Armed Forces Committee, Armed Forces Appreciations Committee, which she was a part of at one point.
“And, you know, I used to bump heads with her because she would deny things that I was trying to fight for. But I never disrespect her. I knew that she had her heart in the right place. She’s incredibly, incredibly talented. She’s a force to be reckoned with.”