“Trump shows a lack of respect for the military, for our POWs.”
“My name is Llewellyn. I’m from North Carolina. I’m a Republican. I am a former Trump voter, but will not be voting for him again.
“I am a mother, a grandmother, and a great-grandmother, and so when I think about the future of my children in the America that I want them to live in, I think these next four years are so important.
“I do not want a man like Trump as the head of our country, who is so divisive, who is trying to pit us against each other. I don’t like someone that mocks persons with disabilities. I worked my whole life with children and adults with disabilities, and they’re not people to make fun of. I do not like Trump’s disrespect for women per the way he has treated them, by the way he talks about them from recorded comments. He can’t deny it. We know how he feels about women. He shows a lack, Trump shows a lack of respect for the military, for our POWs, and for those who gave their all for our country. And I just cannot, I mean, I could go on and on, but those are reasons that I think everyone has seen.
“Whether they will admit they’ve seen them or not. I have Christian friends that say, ‘you don’t have to like him, I’m not voting because I like him. I’m voting because I think he can do the, be the most for our country.’ And I think he can do the most damage for our country.
“I’m voting for Kamala Harris because I think not voting would be a vote for Trump. It has been a difficult decision to decide to vote first for Biden and now for Harris. Is she perfect? No, she’s the lessor of two evils.
“Trump, I think pretends to be a Christian. I know that we all, self included are sinners. None of us are perfect, but it bothers me the way that he tries to make sure that we all think he’s a good Christian. And just the way he conducts his life and the things he says and his lack of knowledge of the Bible and actually what Christianity’s about shows up. I mean, really, anytime he opens his mouth, he, to me, disproves that he’s a Christian.
“Jesus told us to love one another and to take care of these people that he is making fun of and ridiculing and is Kamala any different? I don’t know, but at least she is not so verbal and outspoken about it. And I know that she truly has women’s rights in mind.
“At least Harris is more positive, she’s more inclusive. She doesn’t go around talking nasty about people, talking down to people. I think she’s trying to bring us together as a country again and not tear us apart, which I truly think that’s what Trump is trying to do. I think he’s trying to divide us.
“I just think about my younger granddaughters that are seven and ten, and, they don’t watch much television anyhow. But if Trump was getting ready to speak, you’d almost have to make sure they weren’t gonna listen to him, because you don’t know what’s gonna come out of his mouth and what they’re going to hear and who he’s going to talk bad about.
“Part of me thinks they need to see that, but I don’t want them to lose their innocence too early. I just want to have a country that will be safe for them as individuals first, but especially as women. But it’s not a all a woman thing. I think Trump if you’re a man that doesn’t look like him or don’t think like him, he’s just as sued and ridicule you or say ugly things about you also.”