Marcee  /  Iowa

“We’ve got to make sure Trump does not try to destroy our democracy.”

Video Transcript

“Hi, my name is Marcee and I am from Iowa. I was a registered Republican in 2015. I voted for Trump in 2016. One year later I totally regretted it. His presidency was a nightmare and then came Covid and he was so stupid and so negligent, and he couldn’t help the states.

“You know, and Reagan’s smaller government didn’t help at that time. We, we needed a big government that time. We needed help. The whole country needed help. He handled everything so poorly. It was horrible. I voted for Joe Biden in 2020. I will vote for him again in 2024. Joe Biden’s probably the best man with an honest, good man with a, a very sad past. He’s had a lot heartache, which we need someone like that who can feel empathy for the heartaches that we go through.

“So I’m voting for Biden all the way. And I hope that a lot of other people will too. I cannot go back through four more years of Trump. He ’bout killed me the first time. Honest to God, if I look old right now, four more years, I’ll look like a skeleton.

“This man, I about lost my mind. It wasn’t until I was able to connect with other like-minded people who felt the same way. He made me crazy. I thought the whole world was crazy. I thought we were in a twilight zone. I didn’t understand how in the world we could have a president who talked like him, who thought like him, who acted like him.

“It blew my mind. I was born in 1957. I’ve seen a lot of things and I remember I. JFK dying. When I was in grade school, I remember my brother went to the Vietnam War. I remember a lot of things about how this country, what it’s gone through. Nixon tapes everything but President Trump. Ex-President Trump is the worst thing, the worst thing that ever happened to our country.

“He’s the worst president ever. I think Biden’s right up there as being possibly the best president ever. Biden has achieved more for our country and for a standing in the world than Trump could have ever dreamed from. I would never vote for Trump again. And I pray, I pray that, that our sound- minded democratic country will stand up and vote for Biden again.

“We’ve gotta vote Trump out, and we’ve gotta make sure that Trump does not try to destroy our democracy ever, ever, ever. He’s only one man. He’s only one crazy man. He has dementia and it’s getting worse. We have to stand up, vote for our country, vote for our constitution, and let’s try our best to get back to someplace where we can take a breath and go, whew, this seems normal.

“And it might normal, maybe isn’t the same thing. This is better. We want better. We want. To move on and take up some of these people’s ideas, liberal or whatever, if it’s better, if it helps Americans, if we’re at a better place than we’ve ever been before, then let’s go there.”