Michael  /  Hawaii

“He is an absolute danger hazard and a threat to public health, and that is my primary concern as a physician.”

Video Transcript

“Hi, my name is Michael and I’m a doctor living in Hawaii. I am sorry to tell you that I voted for Donald Trump before, but I will not vote for him again. This time, I’m happy to say that I’m voting for Kamala Harris.

“Why is that? Donald Trump is a hazard to public health. The thing that really triggered me was his stand against vaccinations and in support of unproven therapies and his alignment with the anti-vax movement. Just last month, Donald Trump said in a rally that he would not fund any schools that mandate vaccination for children, that he would not give them one penny.

“That would plunge us back into the Middle Ages. It would undo all of the public health gains we have made since the Bubonic plague of the Middle Ages. He is an absolute danger, hazard, and a threat to public health, and that is my primary concern as a physician. His racism and misogyny and all that other stuff, notwithstanding.

“He is a direct hazard to public health. His mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States led to 1.2 million deaths, 300,000 to 400,000 of which were needless.

“I am embarrassed to say I voted for Donald Trump before, but I will not be making that mistake again.”