Nathan  /  Ohio

“I believe very strongly that Trump does not deserve to be the chief executive again.”

Video Transcript

“ My name is Nathan. I am from Ohio, and I have been a registered Republican since I was eligible to vote. I voted for Trump in ’16 and ’20, but I will not vote for him in 2024, and I’m excited to vote for Kamala Harris this time.

“This time, it’s not really a policy election for me. I know a lot of people are like, “Well, the policies matter.”

“It’s not a policy (election) this time. It is a character, and a personality, and a morality election for me this time. So, Trump has absolutely no character and no morals. So, I don’t care what anyone else says policy-wise, that I may not like about Kamala, I do not care because she’s at least a decent person.

“I’m excited because I believe very strongly that Trump does not deserve to be the chief executive again of the country.

“So I’m very excited to vote for Kamala. Yeah, there’s policies I don’t like, but that’s why we have three branches of the government. There’s an entire congress and a court to also help keep all that checked.

“I mean ’16, 2016 Donald Trump was a lot different person than 2024 Donald Trump. It’s pretty incredible, the transformation that he’s undergone. I mean, he was still a little bit weird then, but I still supported him.

“Now it’s just like it, I mean, he can’t even keep a coherent thought because he goes on all these tangents to try to attack people. When he is not talking about policy whatsoever.

“Again, like I said, I’m not keen on the Democratic party. There are some policies of Kamala I don’t like, but I do want Trump gone.

“And I wanna start over with the party and we can’t start over as a party. He’s been the candidate for three elections in a row. Very rarely does that happen when you have a candidate three in a row. We’re so stale and old. The party is, there’s nothing new happening. There’s nothing exciting happening, especially for the younger generations that are gonna be voting more and more and more.

“So if you want to move on, vote for Kamala. And then in four years from now, we can eliminate a lot better Republican and then vote her out and put our, and then put another Republican in that we like. It’s just a little reset.
