“Either he’s extremely naive and stupid, or he has malicious and evil intent.”
“ I’m Nikita. I live in the state of Georgia. I voted for Trump 2016 and in 2024 I’m gonna vote for Kamala Harris. I’m from Ukraine. I have family in Ukraine. I have friends in Ukraine. I speak Ukrainian. I speak Russian. Why I am extremely against Trump now is his position in Ukraine. And his position completely just makes no sense.
“Even as an American, to completely take such a ridiculous position against Ukraine, and to a certain degree, for Russia — it’s just, it’s a disaster. It’s, in my opinion, extremely treasonous behavior that should never be accepted. And I’m doing everything in my power to make sure he doesn’t get elected. Because it went from just him saying stupid stuff, to him doing extremely malicious actions that will undermine us in the long term and undermine the whole free world. That’s not acceptable.
“Putin is not some kind of rational actor. You can’t make a deal with him. You cannot make a deal with Putin. The only way you can deal with him is to show strength. So whenever Trump talks about these deals, or says “I’m friends with Putin,” it shows one of two things: either he’s extremely naive and stupid, or he has malicious and evil intent. It’s one of the two options for Trump. Both are not good at all, and it’s just truly disgusting what the Republican Party has become.
“My main position is this: I think in 2024, the Republican Party has to take a huge loss. They have to lose really bad, so that the Republican Party can look back, and look in the mirror, and try to figure out who they are. It can only happen if they lose. Because if they don’t lose, they will just keep going the same route, and that will be disastrous for everyone.
“I think deep down, JD Vance, at once point he was very anti-Trump and now he’s super pro-Trump. I think he just knows where the wind blows and whatever makes sense for him. So he’s a very disingenuous, disingenuous person who just says and does whatever would be best for his political career.
“I still identify myself more as a Republican than a Democrat. So I do want the Republican Party to have better people in it, to lead the party into a position where they’re respected like they used to be.”