Phillip  /  Maine

“I don’t hate him, but I’m not buying into this crap.”

Video Transcript

“Hi, my name’s Phil. I live in Standish, Maine. I did vote for Trump and I think he did some good things for our country. But he lost it, in my opinion. He couldn’t deal with a loss. He tried to overturn it. He caused havoc. I can no longer support him. He lost, he’s lost my vote.

“So, I’d like to just move on for a minute to Trump. Trump, you know, first of all, let’s just call it and it’s gonna upset some people, fake Christianity.

“Now I’m not gonna preach to you, but I’m gonna tell you about me. See, I believe in Jesus Christ, okay. For so many of my friends that claim to know the Lord, and I think they do, they have saddled up with Trump and they have deemed him almost like the Messiah. Some things are sacred. Don’t mess with them. You don’t mess with God stuff. Do you? Really? And so all these people are misled, they’re going down this path. And that’s my number one point, okay. The misleading and the using and polluting your soul for a vote.

“I’m not into that, okay. And the second thing is 1/6/21. I didn’t forget. Isn’t it funny how easily. Things slip our minds. Sometimes I didn’t forget that. And if you talk to the Trump people, they say, “Hey, I heard him. He said, we’ll go down there and we’ll be peaceful and all that.” Yeah, well, I also heard him say, fight like hell.

“Okay, you know, I served in the in the Marine Corps. My brother served in the Marine Corps. My son served in the Marine Corps. My other son was in the Army. We served our country, you know, it means something to us. By the way, did Trump ever serve? Oh, all the veterans love him. Oh my God. Just like the Christians.

“He’s the biggest con-man I’ve ever seen. You know, I don’t hate him, but I’m not, you know, I’m not buying into this crap, okay. You know, all the Christians and the many veterans, they believe this, that the vote was rigged. Proof doesn’t matter. Where is some proof?

“Has anybody got any proof? I kind of require it and I’ve never seen it.

“And look, some really good people’s lives were ruined and they continued to purport the lie.

“So I just have one couple of last thoughts. One thing is I’m no longer affiliated with the GOP. Once they took Trump, I exited, okay. And I’ve always done that. I’ve always been with the GOP. But no, I can’t do it now. I mean, my heart won’t lemme do it. I can’t. And so, I’m free and it’s a good feeling actually.”