Richard  /  Georgia

“I think it’s incredible that we’re even considering a felon.”

Video Transcript

“My name is Richard. I live in Georgia, and I was a former Republican, and I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. But, frankly, because of Donald Trump and his cronies, I cannot consider myself a Republican any longer. He’s destroyed the Republican party. I’d be embarrassed to be associated with it and, I’m supporting Kamala Harris because she, even though I may not agree with all of her policies, she’s gonna be a heck of a lot better than that.

“Donald Trump and the White House for another term that would be horrible for the country and for the world.

“I think it’s incredible that we’re even considering a felon. 34 felony counts against him when some felons, felons in many states can even vote, and we are considering a felon who keeps denying it for the presidency of the United States and the leader of the free world. It’s just incredible. And he keeps lying, lying, lying. He can’t say anything that has any truth to it.

“It’s just horrible. It’s embarrassing that we as a country are even considering a person such as Donald Trump to be our leader.

“Donald Trump is certainly responsible for January 6th. He was out there rallying up his supporters, getting them charged saying, I’m gonna meet you at the Capitol. I’ll meet you there. Come on, we gotta fight. If you don’t fight, we’re gonna lose. I mean, it’s incredible to, even now that he would say that, oh, I didn’t, I didn’t mean that.

“Oh gosh. He’s just such an imbecile. Really, when you think about who to vote for, don’t vote for Donald Trump. He is untrustworthy. He cannot trust anything that he says. He keeps lying, lying, lying. You can’t get a truthful statement from him when he is asked a statement. He just goes on a different approach altogether, starts attacking Kamala Harris or others, and it’s just ridiculous.

“That’s not somebody that we want to have representing us in our country or in the world.”