“Most Americans are more qualified than Donald Trump.”
“Hi, my name’s Ryan. I’m a Navy veteran. I live in Texas. I’m originally from Western New York, by Buffalo. I voted for Donald Trump in 2020.
“I will not be supporting or voting for Donald Trump, this year in 2024. And I think it’s pretty obvious with the state of politics today that the reasons are so endless of why not to support someone like Donald Trump. It’s a very pivotal and critical time in our nation’s history there’s never been more divisiveness.
“And it’s been going on for going on eight years now. And I just think it’s horrible for our country, and I completely agree with President Biden that they, the Democrats are coming together to save democracy.
“And it’s not just Democrats, it’s you know, it’s registered Republicans, it’s Republican leaders. The mayor of Mesa, Arizona is supporting Kamala Harris this election cycle. And I’m sure the list will grow. There are, there are several other Republicans coming out saying, yes, we’re not, we’re not doing this again.
“On the one side with the Democrats, you have Vice President Kamala Harris, who’s been a former prosecutor. You know, she was the district attorney of California and then she became vice president. Look at her credentials versus Donald Trump’s. Donald Trump was never elected to anything up until 2016.
“He’s never held office for anything. Most Americans are more qualified than Donald Trump is my final, my final thought on that, because you know, most people who vote aren’t felons and he’s a felon.
“And the list, it’s not just that. He has several felony convictions in New York state. His hometown, he’s from New York, and they don’t want him anymore. It’s over, like, he’s banned from doing business there for like the next two years, I believe, and his sons are banned till the next five years because of the fraud trial earlier this year.
“So, that fact alone, that’s a huge, that’s huge evidence why you should never vote for Donald Trump again.”