Staci  /  Arizona

“Trump stating that he wants to overturn the Constitution should be clanging bells and alarms for everyone in this nation.”

Video Transcript

“Hi, I’m Staci. I’m from Arizona, I supported Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020.

“I can’t support Donald Trump in 2024 because of the chaos, because of him living in the past, and the statements that he makes are belittling to others, they are bullying to others.

“Trump stating that he wants to overturn the Constitution should be clanging bells and alarms for everyone in this nation, that when you don’t have a constitution, you have communism, when you don’t have a constitution, you’ve got dictators and authoritarian leaders. Anybody saying they wanna overthrow the Constitution or throw out the Constitution is only wanting power for themselves.

“This world is a scary place now. I mean, you bring in social media, you bring in AI, you bring in all of this other technology and we have to be on our top game.

“I’ll be supporting Biden in 2024 because I believe that Trump and his extremism has just gone too far and is not what our country needs.”