Steve  /  Pennsylvania

“I have an issue with convicted felons holding any office, much less the President of the United States.”

Video Transcript

“ My name is Steve. I’m a pastor in North central rural Pennsylvania. I’m a former two-time Donald Trump voter. I voted for Donald Trump because he was not Joe Biden. There were some things about his presidency from 2016 forward that I liked.

“There are other things I didn’t like. I didn’t like his attitudes as far as the way he purported himself. I found him to be extremely arrogant, almost dictator-ish. Since 2020, I’ve decided not to support Donald Trump. I will not be voting for him. I also cannot support Donald Trump for the following reasons. First, whether you believe in how it happened or not, he is a convicted felon.

“Donald Trump has been found guilty in a court of law to multiple felonies. Again, whether or not you believe the legitimacy of how that came about, it did come about. He is a convicted felon. I have an issue with convicted felons holding any office, much less the President of the United States.

“Also I believe he has become overly arrogant. He has shown that he has a complete disregard for the rule of law in our country. He treats the presidency and his views much more of a dictatorship style than he did while he was president. I also believe that when it comes to January 6th, while I don’t think he was directly responsible for it,

“he certainly didn’t do anything, in my opinion, to tone it down… to prevent it. I think he even encouraged it to a degree. Do I think it went further than even he thought it would? Possibly. But he certainly called to march on the Capitol. He didn’t define what that meant and when it started, I believe it took him way too long to even respond.

“And when he did respond, I thought that it was too little, too late. So with those things in mind, I just cannot support Donald Trump for presidency.”