“I just cannot make myself vote for someone who abuses Christianity, the way that Donald Trump has.”
“ My name’s Tommy. I’m from Texas. I’m a former Trump voter who will not be voting for Trump in 2024. The fact that the Republican nominee for president of the United States is a convicted felon and could possibly be on trial for more felonies prior to the election, is a disgrace to my former party, and I cannot and will not support that.
“I 100% blame Donald Trump for the violence that took place on January 6th. If Donald Trump would’ve conceded, there would’ve been zero violence on January 6th. No one and I mean no one is at the Capitol if Donald Trump wins, there’s no doubt about it in my mind. Donald Trump will hand Ukraine to Vladimir Putin. He will pull all of our nuclear weapons out of Eastern Europe.
“He will pull all of our troops outta South Korea and Japan. He’ll give Taiwan to China. Everything that Republicans are supposed to believe, and again, there’s not a single Republican that will stop him.
“Donald Trump’s pretend Christianity offends me probably more than anything else. I just cannot make myself vote for someone who abuses Christianity, the way that Donald Trump has hijacked the faith that I grew up with in my household.
“I just can’t make myself do it, never can, never will again. I’m ashamed that I did it in 2016, and I will be voting for Kamala Harris in 2024. It wouldn’t matter if blue cheese were running against Donald Trump, I would vote against him.”