“When Trump claims to be religious, but some of his actions seem to be opposed to Christian values, it really bothers me.”
“My name is Brian, I am from Fort Myers, Florida, I was a former two time Trump voter.
“I’m having difficulty supporting Trump now because I’ve seen things that I know to be, at least in my opinion, false allegations that are coming from his mouth.
“My thoughts on all the allegations and charges against former president Trump are that when there’s that many things that come out, there is a reason to be concerned about this person becoming the leader of the free world. That causes me some great concern. If we do elect Trump, I really feel that he’s gonna take this country in a negative direction.
“I think a second Trump term would, I think it would probably look a little more authoritarian. Before, in his last presidency, he had people that kind of stayed his hand a bit, and I think some of those safety nets are gone, and he would run more freely with things that I don’t think would work out well for the United States as a whole.
“When Trump claims to be religious, but some of his actions seem to be opposed to Christian values, it really bothers me, because I don’t think he’s being honest with people. And it bothers me even more that many Christians are willing to forego a lot of the things that they believe in, in order to support Trump. But I do think that that really gives us, as Christians, a bad reputation in the nation and it gives an example of us supporting something that we simply don’t. Our faith values do not uphold that at all.”