“I can’t have an a*****e be my president.”
“ I’m Kevin from Illinois. I voted for Trump in 2016. I voted for Biden in 2020. And in 2024 I’m going to vote for Kamala Harris, so do it right Kamala.
“In 2016, I voted for Donald Trump. I thought it was going to be a big change, but it was a mistake. And I ended up in 2020 voting for Joe Biden, although I wasn’t really excited about that.
“But the bottom line is, as far as Donald Trump: I cannot have an asshole be my president. You know, that’s the bottom line. Kamala Harris, she seems okay. Might be a little more liberal than I would like to have. I’m typically right of center, but I don’t vote just for Republicans because I’m right of center.
“If there’s somebody who is a good Democrat, I have no problem voting for them. So I guess in some ways I’m an independent, but I definitely am right of center. I believe that the thing about it is Trump divides people. I just feel that I can’t have Trump in the office. It’s about recognizing what’s good for the country, and Trump isn’t.
“I think January 6th was a bad day in the history of America. And I think 20, 50, 80 years from now, that will come back in the history books of our kids in school, talking about how how they tried to overturn the government. And thank God we have such a strong democracy that it did not overcome it.
“Trump has his 30% of the people. And then there is 20% who really didn’t want to have Trump, but were kind of concerned about President Biden as well. And so I think that it gives us a viable person in there that’s not an idiot or not too old to be in the position. If Harris wins, which I expect her to win, I think Trump will probably go by the side, maybe be in jail.
“I am going to support Harris. I’m not going to say that I’m going to go out and knock on doors or walk the streets, but I am voting for Kamala Harris. She potentially could be a better choice than Joe Biden. You know, although I said she is very liberal, I think that when you get to the office, it gets toned down a little bit.
“Now Trump never toned it down. But I think a rational person, like Kamala Harris will tone it down. I’m glad she’s on stable footing. And we’re ready to move forward. I mean, 65% of Americans are center, center-right, center-left people. But the very vocal people are far-right, far-left. We’ve got to take the country back.”