“He incited the attack on the Capitol on January 6th to overturn an election that he lied about losing.”
“My name is Eric from Louisiana and I will be supporting Kamala Harris in November.
“I choose to not support Donald Trump for several very fundamental reasons. Number one, he is a convicted felon. Number two, he incited the attack on the Capitol on January 6th to overturn an election that he lied about losing, knowing that he was lying about losing it. All of these things make him fundamentally unfit to be president.
“I do not ideologically align with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as much as they would want me to, I’m sure. I am not a Democrat. I am not a liberal.
“I think a second Trump term would be, more dangerous than the first for a few reasons. Number one, he is been there before. He knows the layout of the White House. He knows how things work. He knows all of the walls and obstacles he ran into the first time, and he has figured out some ways around those, I’m sure. Number two, the people he put in, his team and his cabinet, in the first Trump administration most of them would not be in the second Trump administration. And those were mostly sane people, who are going to keep him in line. And I believe some of them really went in with that intention, and I believe some of them tried their best to do that. But I believe that most of them, like General Kelly, found that to be an impossibility.
“And I think this time he won’t make that mistake from his perspective. And he will stock the White House, and the entire administrative state with as many people as he can, who will do anything and everything he asked them to do, without any moral qualms whatsoever. And that is what scares me.
“It’s not he himself who scares me as much as the people he is going to surround himself with and the things he’s not going to be limited in, that he was limited the first time. And I’m sad I am distressed, I am disappointed, I’m disturbed. And I’m not sure the Republican party will ever return to what it once was. And if it doesn’t, I guess a new party will have to be formed. But the Republican party of my childhood and my young adulthood is dead.
“If you’re someone who is unsure of who you’re going to vote for or you would consider voting for Donald Trump. I would say this, I believe in my heart that Donald Trump is exactly the kind of person my grandmother always warned me never to be. I hate to bring such simple things and into something as complicated as a presidential election and, national and international politics.
“But you know, I believe we were all raised to be good, decent, hardworking people. And I believe Donald Trump so fundamentally, so publicly, so blatantly violates so many of the things that most Americans were raised to buy into, to believe, to live a life like. I just would ask you to think about the way you were raised and think about the people who taught you how to live life and how to treat other people.
“And then apply what you were taught to Donald Trump’s public life. And then ask yourself, after looking at that, can you still vote for that man? And if you can then, hey, vote for him, but don’t vote for him before going through that exercise.”