Scott  /  Indiana

“I will be voting for Joe Biden because I think that it is my moral responsibility to vote for the person who has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump.”

Video Transcript

“My name is Scott. I live in Indiana. I have been voting since 1978, and I have never voted for anyone who is not a Republican, and I am not any more liberal now than I ever have been. I am a consistent conservative.

In 2020, I did vote for Donald Trump. The things that concern me most about Donald Trump and the reasons that I will not vote for Donald Trump again are things that began on election day 2020, and I’m talking specifically about his attempts to overturn a legitimate election.

And what Donald Trump will do, based on his own words and based on his own clear intentions, is he will put people into many positions in the government who are sycophants — that is, they are unconditional loyalists to Donald Trump.

They will do whatever Donald Trump says. This is an extremely dangerous situation. And when I say extremely dangerous, I’m talking specifically about the danger to the future of this country. And I believe that if Donald Trump becomes President of the United States again, what will probably happen is that the United States of America will come to an end.

Now the name ‘United States of America’ may continue to be used, but it will not be the same country. This country will have come to an end. This country, as it has been since 1789 when the Constitution was written. Now, if Joe Biden is elected again, we conservative Republicans will have to go through four more years of a Democrat in the White House, and a rather extreme Democrat in a lot of ways.

And Joe Biden holds a lot of positions that I think are just horrible, terrible. But we will have to go through four more years of a Democrat in the presidency. Then we’ll get another election and we’ll be able to continue the fight against liberalism, the leftists, the progressives, etc.

If Donald Trump becomes president again, there will be some good things that occur, things that I agree with. But overall, if you take the big picture of what will happen if Donald Trump becomes president again, it won’t be good at all. It will be the end of the United States. This is the most significant historical juncture that this country has been in since the American Revolution. That means it’s a more significant historical juncture than the Civil War. It is that extreme. The potential for what will happen if Donald Trump becomes president again is, in fact, that extreme.

I will be voting for Joe Biden because I think that it is my moral responsibility to vote for the person who has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump. As much as I detest Joe Biden as a person and as a president, he is the person who has the best chance of defeating Donald Trump. And that’s why I’m going to vote for him.”