“I’m voting for the future for my grandchildren. And it would not be a better place because of Donald Trump.”
“ Hi, my name is Ed. I’m from Michigan. I have voted for Trump in the past, but this year I’ll be voting for Kamala. I’m 72 years old and I have, for my lifetime, been a Republican, so I consider myself to be a Republican. And I voted that way every time, including 2016 when Trump came up. What I saw during his term was constant chaos and turmoil.
“He ran the executive branch like it was just another episode of The Apprentice. He had 91 percent turnover in his executive senior staff. Fourteen congressionally approved Cabinet secretaries resigned. Did he appoint the wrong people and then he change his mind? Or is there a lot of politics going on behind the scene? That I don’t know, but what I do know is it’s not good for our country.
“So, I also find it hard to follow a man that sells tennis shoes and playing cards and looks at himself as a superhero hero. A man that holds a Bible upside down for a photo op, and then does the things that he does. Having affairs on his wife, he’s breaking an oath to his wife, and he’s done that multiple times. And I don’t know what Bible he reads, but mine is telling me that’s not the moral or ethical compass that I expect to see in our president.
“It should be beyond reproach. Why do we excuse Donald Trump for behaving like a six-year-old? Just his whole demeanor, calling people names, making up rhyming names. That’s grade school stuff. And then threatening people and just his whole approach to any opponent is juvenile. It’s what I expect from a 10- or 12-year-old on the playground. Not what I wanna see in the president. I can’t vote for him just because of the way he behaves.
“It’s just not good, and it’s not good for me. It’s not good for my grandchildren. I have 20 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. I have two more on the way, and when I vote, I’m voting for the future and what the future holds for them. It would not be a better place because of Donald Trump. So those are my reasons for not voting Republican again this time.
“I wish that we had a better choice. I’m not crazy about Kamala, I’m not crazy about her VP pick, but they’re better than Trump and JD Vance. I don’t have a good choice, so I’m gonna pick the least of the two evils and hope for a better world when my grandkids and great grandkids grow up.”