Sam  /  Utah

“Donald Trump is a man who is after his own ambitions.”

Video Transcript

“ My name is Sam, I’m in Utah, and I’m a former Trump voter. I’m a conservative, and in 2024 I will not be voting for Trump and JD Vance.

“For me, when I look at this election, I look at it from two different lenses. I have two criteria for who I would vote for in a president. One is how well they match with the policies that I think would help America move forward and stay strong. And the other qualification I have is that the president and the executive office would uphold the constitution, would protect and defend as they swear to do in the oath of office.

“And I largely throughout Trump’s first presidency, agreed with many of his policies. I’m very conservative, but Trump fails on the second qualification and criteria for me. I’ve seen his actions and his words and some of the policies that he’s proposed. The different legal cases that he has argued, for me contradict directly some of the fundamental and important pieces of the Constitution.

“And so while I cannot support Kamala Harris, I will not be voting for Donald Trump and JD Vance this November. But for me, I didn’t really feel like I had to learn too much about JD Vance because I had already made up my mind about Donald Trump. And I feel really confident in my decision to not vote for Donald Trump.

“And I think that the felony convictions, and with that, the ruling from the Supreme Court that was in favor of Donald Trump, both of those court rulings, I just thought were, just show what an unfortunate place we’re at in the country, even worse than the felony counts, I think is the fact that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of his presidential immunity.

“I think that the founding fathers were so adamant and so clear that they felt that there needed to be an executive office. There needed to be an executive officer, in the case of the president, but that person could not be unaccountable. And so to see a Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump argued for and fought for, saying the opposite, that a president cannot be held accountable for anything that falls within their duties as president.

“It’s a terrible precedent to set, and it’s gonna lead to a lot of really bad things. Donald Trump is a man who is after his own ambitions. He’s after his own priorities, and when those are in line with the constitution, he’ll use it. And he’ll, you know, cite it and he’ll show how much he loves it, or how much he says he loves it.

“And when his goals and priorities don’t align with it, then he immediately pushes it to the side and goes for the things that would be more beneficial to him. And more beneficial for the Republican party in the short run. But I think that we as Republicans, as conservatives, and as the American people, need to realize that this is much bigger than just 2024.

“We need to be vigilant and we need to make sure that we’re supporting politicians who are following the principles of the Constitution, and who will defend that, even if that means not pursuing something that would be personally advantageous to them in the short run. And Donald Trump has proved time and again that he cannot and he won’t do that, and so that is why I’m not going to vote for him or JD Vance.”